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Supply of electrical machine magnet
Supplier of wave absorbing paper
Strong magnetic rectangular magnet
Plastic magnet, plastic ferrite, plastic NdFeB, plastic samarium cobalt
Magnetic chuck, strong magnetic snap made in Ningbo
Long-term supply of various magnets
Fridge magnet, magnet, magnetic playset, magnetic tinplate
Foshan magnet for electric appliance
Ferrite flexible soft magnet, strong soft magnet, white magnetic sheet for teaching
Electric pure iron DT4C hot rolling bar, TISCO pure iron
Dongguan bonded magnet
Direct supply of magnetic stripe, hauling gum magnetic stripe XF-CT-01
Direct supply of magnetic puzzle package, jigsaw puzzle, magnetic fridge magnet, soft magnetism glue
2J52 coil stock, deformable permanent magnetic alloy 2J52 plate
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TEL:(86)13260806050         Mail:ruiyingda1999@163.com    China•Nanjing•RuiYingDa

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